Tuesday, November 8, 2011

So Blessed

Jess and I decided that we needed to have a separate blog for the blankets. So we got it up and running and that very same day, my computer crashed. I am so blessed. I know that is not a sentence that should follow "computer crashed" but had it not crashed when it did I would have down loaded all the pictures from my camera and we would not have had any of them backed up, meaning we would have lost all our pictures from delivering the blankets. We have lost all of our pictures from this year (even though we had them backed up. and yes we are still trying to recover them) but we didn't lose the ones that are still on our camera :)!!

Just an update, the computer should be ready soon so I can transfer pictures :) I am way too excited about that!! And we have received several thank you letters in the mail from some of the hospitals. All wish to express there sincere gratitude to all who helped with the blankets. I have stories to come from the Drop Day and all the wonderful people we met at the different hospitals. Keep working on your blankets we are going to continue taking blankets to hospitals. You can e-mail us at jjhaag5@yahoo.com for info on how to get the blankets to us and we are hoping to have a few guest posts soon from women who helped make blankets and who have lost a child and want to add their story here in hopes of healing for all!!

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